so far, the Valuation Theory Home Page had been hosted by the department server of the Mathematics Department at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. We acknowledge the support we have received with gratitude. Unfortunately, the department server will be switched off any time now.
We are very happy to announce that in the future the Valuation Theory Home Page will be hosted by Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic at the University of Vienna. The move from Saskatoon to Vienna may take some time, so we have decided to offer to you this new and updated version in order to bridge the gap. Please contact us if you have any suggestions for the reshaping and updating of the Valuation Theory Home Page.
This web site is intended to be a forum for all mathematicians who work in valuation theory or apply valuation theoretical results in their own field of research. The home page offers:
If you have suggestions, questions, ideas, news, or if you want your name and address on the above mentioned list, or if you have a recent paper in or applying valuation theory, then write to
Have a look at:
Last update: February 13, 2024 --------- maintained by the VTHP Team