The Valuation Theory Home Page

Theses (Masters, Ph.D. or Habilitation)

Roland Auer:
Zyklotomische Funktionenkörper (Master's thesis, in German)
(dvi file)

Roland Auer:
Ray Class Fields of Global Function Fields with Many Rational Places (Ph.D. thesis)
(dvi file)

Andrei Bengus-Lasnier:
Diskoids and Extensions of Valuations (Ph.D. thesis)
(pdf file)

Santiago Camacho:
Truncation in Differential Hahn Fields (Ph.D. thesis)
(pdf file)

Rankeya Datta:
A Tale of Valuation Rings in Prime Characteristic
(pdf file)

Arpan Dutta:
Generating sequences and semigroups of valuations on 2-dimensional normal local rings
(pdf file)

Verena Edenfeld:
Tief verzweigte Erweiterungen und perfektoide Körper (Master's thesis, in German)
(pdf file)

Trevor Green:
Properties of chain products and Ehrenfeucht--Fraïssé Games on Chains
The appendix contains an English translation of Hausdorff's 1908 paper "Grundzüge einer Theorie der geordneten Mengen"

Thomas Güldenberg:
Elementare Invarianten von Dedekindschnitten angeordneter Körper (Master's thesis, in German)
(pdf file)

Jochen Koenigsmann:
Half-ordered fields
(pdf file)

Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann:
Henselian Function Fields and Tame Fields (Extended Version of Ph.D. Thesis)
(pdf file)
[Abstract (dvi file)]

Salma Kuhlmann:
Ordered Exponential Fields (Habilitation Thesis)

Edward Mosteig:
A Valuation-Theoretic Approach to Polynomial Computations (Ph.D. thesis)

Dieter Nautz:
Die Stetigkeit der Nullstellen (Master's thesis, in German)
(pdf file)

Hervé Perdry:
Aspects constructifs de la théorie des corps valués (Ph.D. thesis)
(postscript file)

Thomas Rohwer:
Valued difference fields as modules over twisted polynomial rings (Ph.D. thesis)
(pdf file)

Jean-Christophe San Saturnino:
Théorème de Kaplansky effectif et uniformisation locale des schémas quasi-excellents (Ph.D. Thesis)
(pdf file)

Joachim Schmid:
On the degree of complexity of Hilbert's 17th problem and the real Nullstellensatz (Habilitation Thesis)
(postscript file)

Florian Severin:
Varianten von Hensels Lemma (Masterarbeit, in German)
(pdf file)

Pierre Touchard:
Burden in Henselian Valued Fields (Ph.D. thesis)
(pdf file)

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Last update: March 28, 2023